Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Don't be a Fool

"The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good." - Psalm 14:1 (KJV 1611)

Many ask, "Where is the proof there is a God?".

"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament sheweth his handywork." - Psalm 19:1

One does not have to look very far or search too diligently to see the handywork of the Lord. Each morning the sun breaks through the Eastern sky, I know there is a God. As the clouds roll in and begins to water the dry ground, I know there is a God. When I can breathe air into my lungs and feel my heart beat, I know there is a God. As the cold winds blow and I see the beautiful falling snow flake, I know there is a God. When that little bundle of joy is welcomed into the loving arms of a mom and a dad, I know there is a God.

Sure, bad things happen in this life. No one said life is perfect without any hurts or disappointments. But, it's in those difficult times, again, I know there is a God. He never promised to keep us from all the troubles of life, but He does promise to see us through them and never leave us. "...I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." - Hebrews 13:6b

So many times when we go through the hard times of life, we tend to bail out on the very one we need the most. Many of the difficult things we endure are brought on by our own choices. The Lord often gets the blame for putting us through something, when in reality, we're just reaping what we've sown.

Atheists say "There is no God."
Liberals say "God is whatever you want it to be."
Humanism says, "You are your own god."

There is a God. How do I know? He gave me physical life on July 10th, 1973. On January 15th, 1981 I was saved and born again, into the family of God. When life became hard as a husband and father, there were times I didn't know where to turn. I know there is a God, because He guided, comforted and supplied all of our needs.

Hard times lie ahead for our Nation. My confidence is not in the U.S. Government or any organization. My hope and confidence is in the Creator of the Universe, the God of Heaven and the Saviour of my Soul.

Where is your hope? Trust Jesus Christ today as your Saviour before it's eternally too late. Maybe you are a Christian, but you've found yourself looking down at the problems in your life. The best way to make your problems look smaller is stop looking down and start looking up.- "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;" - Hebrews 12:2a; "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth." - Psalm 121:1-2

Get your BUT out of the way.

Here is a sermon I preached in Revival service last Friday night.

Get Your BUT Out Of The Way
Luke 14:16-20
>Here we find 3 bidden to come to the great Supper.
1. I'd love to come, BUT I've bought some ground and I need to go see it.
2. I'd love to come, BUT I've bought 5 oxen and I need to prove them.
3. I'd love to come, BUT I've married a wife and she won't let me.
>Scripture records many, whom the Lord told to do something, except their BUTS got in the way.
1. MOSES - The Lord called Moses for a great task, except Moses's BUT got in the way: Exodus 3
A. "I don't know what to say" - vss. 10-14
B. "They will not believe me" - Exodus 4:1
C. "I can't, I'm not able, I'm uneducated" - Exodus 4:10-13
2. NAAMAN - Was a leper, the prophet told him to wash 7 times in the Jordan, except Naaman's BUT got in the way: II Kings 5:1-15
A. He expected some great show - vs. 11
B. He reasoned against the man of God's words - v. 12
C. He received cleansing, by obeying the Man of God who spoke the Word of God.
3. MARTHA & MARY - They knew Jesus could raise the dead, except their BUTS got in their way: John 11:1-35
A. Lazarus is sick
B. Lazarus dies
C. They found, even in the hardest times, Jesus comes through.
D. They said, "Lord, you're too late" - He's always on time!
4. THOMAS - He knew Jesus said He would resurrect, except his BUT got in the way: John 20
A. Thomas knew what Jesus had said.
B. "EXCEPT I SEE" - Many want to see everything, the Bible says - Faith
C. "Blessed are those who, having not seen, yet believe"
Someone will say, "I want to be saved, BUT not right now"
Someone will say, "I want to see someone saved, BUT I can't do anything about it"
Someone will say, "I want to get closer to the Lord, BUT He won't receive me"
Someone will say, "I want the Lord to bless, BUT I want to do things my way"
Someone will say, "I want to see Revival, BUT I'm not going to pay the price"
Someone will say, "The Lord's blessed this Revival, BUT it's over"
>We just need to get our BUTS out of the way and just believe, trust and obey the Lord.

What's really important???

We are living in a day and time when the media makes a big deal out of sick and pathetic stories that amount to nothing more than useless information. Why can't we hear about the good things happening in the world. There is some good news that some don't want you to hear. People are still being saved by the Grace of God. Revival is taking place in alot of churches and locations. Churches are helping many who are hungry, need clothing, fuel and many other necessities. Some say there are not any good people out there anymore. Well, I beg to differ with that opinion. I run into some of these giving, caring and loving people all the time. They are unsung heroes. People such as these do not look for the headlines or shout their good deeds from the house-tops. These are the types of news items I believe we need to hear about in this gloomy and downward spiraling world we live in. If you want to make a difference in the world you live in and in the people in your life, then be the kind of person looking for ways to help, share the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and extend a helping hand. We can either be a help or a hindrance to those around us. I choose to be a help, even if it means sacrificing myself a little. People are too selfish: "what's in it for me", "what will I get out of it", "who will hear about what I've done". WHO CARES??? If the Lord wants to use you to be a help and a blessing to others, let Him have the Glory for it. Many think the only way one can help is to offer money (which is scarce for most of us today), but we can help in alot of other ways. It's easier to just give a few dollars and feel we've done our part and forget about it. But, I've found sometimes folks just need an ear to listen or a shoulder to lean on. Some just need a word of encouragement. Sometimes a simple prayer makes all the difference in the world. Whatever the need, let's listen to that still small voice inside of us and allow the Lord to use us to be a blessing to Him and others.

Until next time...May we allow the Lord to use us to be a blessing to others.