Friday, May 7, 2010

I Have Been Blessed

One of the greatest songs I believe I've ever heard is the song: "I Have Been Blessed". If you have never heard the song, go to and do a search for it. This song reminds me of all the things the Lord has blessed me with. Things, that I and many others, often take for granted. When life gets busy, hectic and depressing, we tend to look at all of the negatives and forget about all of God's many blessings. It's easy to say, "poor ole me", "nobody knows what I'm going through", or "no one cares for me and my problems". But, I'm glad the Lord Jesus Christ cares for, protects and provides for His children.

I Peter 5:7 - "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you".

To God be the GLORY, GREAT Things He hath done!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I, Me and My...

Some of the most discouraging people on the planet can be Christians. So many times, "I, Me and My" get in the way. The term "Christian" means Christ-like. Unfortunately, some "Christians" have forgotten what it truly means to say, "I'm a Christian". Being Christ-like is more than just going around with your head to the ground acting super humble or acting super spiritual and "hollier than thou". Being Christ-like is putting others before yourself. Jesus Christ could have just walked away from the Cross, but instead He put our need for salvation before Himself and the pain He was to endure. If we as Christians would learn to be like Christ, then we would be more Christ-like (Christian).